5 Essentials For Every Bride Squad!

Bridesmaids, assemble! Whether you're a part of an enthusiastic bride squad or a bride in waiting reading up on the behalf of your bridesmaids, this blog about bridesmaids' footwear is simply perfect for you.

Know why? Because it lists 5 must-haves that give every bride squad the spotlight and absolutely glow in it!

The thing is, that the wedding day and the days preceding it are even more taxing for the bridesmaids. Ensuring that your Bride Bestie is always hydrated, fed, and cared for takes a special kind of attention, right? As Team Go With SOUL understands how you may feel, we took it upon ourselves to create a checklist of sorts that you can tick off at the time all bridesmaids indeed, assemble for any major event. Here we go, ladies!

1. Bridesmaid dresses

Whether you're bridesmaids from India or any other part of the world, we feel that matching bridesmaids' dresses may make you downright giddy!

Not only do the matching dresses look aesthetically pleasing but they also exude a sense of unity among the bride and her best friends.

Oh, how could we forget the picture-perfect moments that will come out of the coordinated bridesmaids' dresses?

PRO TIP: if you're looking for ethnic bridesmaids' dresses, Jaipur is the hub for minimal, elegant ensembles.

2. Bridesmaids' lehengas

Another picture-perfect moment, anyone?

It's not just the bridesmaids' dresses that make for the kind of moments that you will cherish for life. It's the bridesmaids' lehengas as well.

Imagine glittering together while your Bride Bestie takes her Pheras. The feelings that will rush through your system will be extremely special!

You could invest in the same or similar Haldi outfits for bridesmaids. Or simply stick to the same bridesmaids' dresses, say for the Cocktail party or after-wedding shenanigans.

3. Bridesmaid's shoes/sandals

Leave this one to Go With SOUL Jaipur. We offer a wide variety of flat slippers for weddings. If the idea of bridesmaid reception shoes interests you more, we have you covered on that front too!

Order in bulk from SOUL and your bride squad will become fans of the quality and comfort our women's flats offer.

4. Hampers for bridesmaids

If you're the Head of the bride squad reading this or a curious bride-to-be surfing the internet, this hamper concept will delight you.

A quintessential bridesmaid hamper includes everything from a plush robe to an eye mask with ‘Bridesmaid’ written on it.

Of course, you can customize it according to your preferences.

Imagine gifting or receiving a personally curated bridesmaid hamper on the day the wedding functions are about to begin. It's self-care and friendly appreciation at its finest.

5. Bridesmaids' makeup

The last item on our list includes makeup for your bride squad.

You could also coordinate with the bride if she wishes to go for a soft, dewy make-up look. Or, if she is going all-out with hers, you and the rest of the bride squad can keep it simple and light.

The bottom line is, that there is power in unity. Whether you wear the same flat slippers for the wedding or don the same outfits, chances are that you will stand out for/with the bride in the best sort of way.

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